Saturday, September 8, 2007

BASIC Tools - Prayer

Sometimes, despite our best intentions, time cuts us short and it impacts what we pray and how we pray. We fall into just a "help my this, bless my that, show me what to do here or there in Jesus name amen" kind of prayer. Our prayer is just a quick list of what we need.

Shortness of time can also impact the WAY that we pray. We throw up a quick prayer "on the go" while jumping into the car or running to a meeting or while dropping off the kids at practice. These prayers are OK at one level; but we can go so much deeper.

Imagine if a married couple never did any talking to each other except "on the go". As they run past each other one says, "I'll pick up Susie at dance; are you getting Ben from football?" "OK... see you later..." It's clear that this relationship would suffer if there were never focused time for the couple to be together.

Can any of you relate to this? (leaders: Model authenticity! Share your own experience)

In Matthew 6:6, Jesus tells us "when you pray, go into your room, close the door..."
Setting aside a time to be with God is so refreshing after time spent just praying "on the go".

Can any of you testify to the difference between "on the go" prayer and time spent focused with the Father?

For some of you, this may be something you already practice, but let's all this week try to have one or two times we set aside to go into our "room", close the door behind us, and spend time with our Father. It doesn't have to be long... just focused time set aside with Him.

Try this outline as you take focused time to pray:
First, offer prayers of worship for who God is, His character, His works, His love, His mercy
Next, tell him sincerely "Your will, not mine" (that could take some struggling)
Finally, ask Him for things that are on your heart

Sound good?

Next time we meet, we'll let you share (if you'd like) how those prayer times went and we'll look at where in the Bible that outline for prayer comes from.

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